Cargo Coverage

Cargo Coverage Lmd Insurance Group

Your Shipment, Our Commitment With Cargo Coverage

The trucking industry has limited liability for the cargo they transport. At LMD Insurance Group we understand the need for financial protection for motor carriers that carry out freight tasks on behalf of their clients. We provide coverage against the loss or damage of goods during the journey which can be due to fire, collision, hitting, human error, animal-related incidents, or natural disasters.

We are your premium insurance provider, whom you can reach out to in case of any damage or accidental loss. Our coverage makes sure that your business does not face any financial hindrance because of an unpredictable incident.

Why Is LMD Insurance Group The Best Choice?

At LMD Insurance Group, we offer you many services that other trucking insurance providers are unlikely to offer.

These include

  • Flexible Payment Schedules

  • 24/7 Support Service

  • Competitive Pricing

  • Customizable Insurance Plans

Get A Quote

Contact us today to learn more about our Cargo Coverage options and get a customized insurance quote tailored to your needs.

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Lmd Insurance Group

We specialize in leading you to your destination, providing the best transport coverage facilities you deserve!

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(301) 889-9106


[email protected]

Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00


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